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Custom Networks, Inc.


Be prepared with power interruption protection.

When failing to prepare is preparing to fail

Power disruptions such as a flash flood or lightning surge can occur without warning. Without the proper redundancies in place, these disturbances can cut off power to your most sensitive equipment. This downtime can put all of your operations on hold, corrupt your data, damage expensive hardware and even cause injuries to your personnel. That's why it's important that your IT infrastructure is prepared for any type of disaster with power interruption protection

Create an emergency operation procedure
For your home, authorities recommend you and your family prepare an emergency plan in the event of a major storm. This will not only keep you and your family safe, but may limit the monetary damage that the catastrophe causes. For your data center, consider all of the possibilities, and develop a course of action for each one.

Obviously some incidents will happen that you may not have considered, but think about the most likely events, such as a power surge, chiller failure or other scenario. With these procedures in place, you can plan ahead for the possibilities. Make sure to share these emergency protocols with your team and post them where they'll be easy to find as references. 

Determine priorities
Not every piece of equipment is mission critical. In the event of a disruption, you're going to need to efficiently use what power you have. Establish tiers to demonstrate the most critical pieces of equipment all the way to the non essential units. 

Establish redundancies
Building up the proper redundancy levels is an excellent way to prepare. A powerful, efficient UPS system will ensure that in the event of a power outage, your critical environment equipment will stay operational long enough to switch to a generator or to complete a proper shutdown. 

Is your data center prepared for a disaster? Contact the Custom Networks team today! Our certified field engineers can visit your site, analyze your IT efficiency and help you develop an emergency plan. 

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