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Custom Networks, Inc.


Is your data center power conditioning system modern?

Is your UPS system modern?

Today's enterprises rely on their data centers more than ever. Companies are pushing for new digital strategies that let them collect vast amounts of data and apply them towards new products and services to corner their respective markets. The amount of energy that critical environment equipment uses continues to rise, and so does the element of risk. A lightning surge or other unexpected disturbance can also affect power levels, and maintaining an up-to-date uninterruptible power system is your best defense. 

With data centers growing in importance, that means power conditioning systems are critical. The price of downtime rises every year, and companies that aren't prepared with powerful UPS systems are leaving their data, and their operations, vulnerable. As IT professionals expect more from their hardware, they need robust power protection solutions to maintain uptime. 

Is your UPS system modern? Can it handle the rigors of today's IT environment? Here are some reasons why it's so important to make sure your industrial power conditioner is up to the task, and how you can make this happen. 

"You can add more capacity without replacing the entire system."

Assessing for need and future growth
To determine if your current UPS system is adequate, assess your current power conditioning requirements. Not only should you make sure you have enough to account for your current power needs, but you should also leave room for future growth. As your company grows, so too will your power requirements, and you need a reliable uninterruptible power source that can keep up.

Scalability is important for today's IT infrastructure, and UPS technology has evolved to provide the flexibility you need. Modular UPS units leave room for growth, so you can add more capacity when needed without having to replace the entire system. 

Updating and improving existing units
You may not need to purchase a whole new unit. In some cases, even if your unit is outdated you may be able to update it by adding some parts. This can save a great deal of money while helping you meet your goals. 

If the original equipment manufacturer, or OEM, is still in business and still manufacturing parts for that particular UPS model, you may be able to upgrade it without completely replacing it. Parts that could be replaced include DC capacitors, batteries and fans. If the OEM is no longer manufacturing the right parts, then you're probably out of luck there. 

"Modern units use energy far more efficiently."

Improving efficiency
Government regulations, volatile energy costs and a change in public opinion have all made energy efficiency a priority. IT departments are using more energy than ever, but that energy isn't cheap. Modern UPS units are made to monitor power levels, only using what you need to keep your critical hardware running.

These modern units use energy far more efficiently. Monitor power for your UPS and connected devices and save on energy costs without sacrificing power protection capabilities.

Modern power monitoring software
In addition to adding powerful, modern hardware, new UPS systems can also use more advanced software. Power management software lets you do more with your equipment, and maintain control over connected devices. 

If your power conditioning system is not up to par, Custom Networks is here for you. Our experts can provide energy audits for your facility, as well as UPS consulting. We sell APC products to provide uninterruptible power. Visit our site for more information. 

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